Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why work?

So I am entering the workforce again after my 2 year vacation... this sucks. I am not sure any other words can fully encapsulate it better than that. Of course, as I do with all things in life, I am not just getting one job but technically 4. I know what you are thinking (He is crazy) but I figure that if I work 4 jobs I can get back to my vacationing 4 times faster.

The jobs are as follows.... I am doing lawn work (mowing 3 lawns, mulching, painting doors, weed eating, trimming hedges), Working at the local GNC, Working for the US Census as a census taker, and picking up some hours acting (as a patient for the medical school so they can practice). I have been mowing for a few weeks now but the others all start in the next week. Speaking of which, I am due to start at GNC in 10 minutes and I am not ready.... hope they don't mind it if I am late for my first day. Gotta run....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Possibility of more content

I have realized that my blog here has gone greatly untouched this weekend but breaking my laptop, sketchy internet connection, and general laziness added up to fewer and fewer posts. I wish that I was still on the travel in many ways although I do have to admit to enjoying my time near home. The section of time from the time I returned to from England to what is now April has been spent relaxing and doing some minimal amounts of work. That said here is what I am looking into now...

I realize that I am going to have to actually stash a few more dollars into my bank account to actually afford the vagabond lifestyle that I have grown to love so I am currently mowing grass and doing yard-work to make a few extra bucks. Along with the yard-work I hope to be working for the US Census during the months of May and June. I am sure it will be odd to be back to work (granted I did work for 2 weeks this past winter at a pizza place.... not fun).

Other than that I am planning my escape from the country again. I doubt I ever mentioned this in the past because it was in the works but I had a job lined up for February of this year to Teach English in South Korea, but that fell through at the very last second so now I am looking for more work abroad. I have started dropping applications to South America and spending some time boning up on my Spanish repertoire.

Hopefully I can try and post some of my adventures around here to regain my knack for blogging and get on the road to somewhere with "international" flavor by July.

That said, wish me luck and thanks for reading.

Jonny Walker

VIdeo of Snowshoe Total

So here is the compilation video from the 30+ minutes I got this season.... just remember that all the best stuff is never captured on tape.