The wait wasn't too long
When I got in the back I had to strike a sexy pose.
Then I chose to sick with this one. Really the thumbs up came after the doc told me that I had an odd break pattern but that my bones were very strong because it should have shattered it. He also said that there was a possibility that I would start physical therapy in 3 weeks with no surgery.
Then it was time to change my splint over to a brace. When they unwrapped it the stench was epic. Try and imagine while looking at the next image.
The nurse actually went and got the doc again to look at it a second time. I really just think the smell shocked her. The next pic is where the blood pooled in my leg in a pattern left by the bandages.
This is just a great image. My mom took this one.
After it was cleaned up it looked a lot better.
After it was re-bandaged it didn't look bad at all except for the yellow color and a little bruising.
My mother stood by the whole time... I think the smell will haunt her dreams for a while.
I now have a new brace that allows me a whole 20 degrees of movement through my knee, since the doc believes that my ACL might still be in one piece. YAAAY
So it appears that I will be kicking it around Lewisburg for a while so if you feel like driving me places just let me know. It is kinda hard to push the gas with a non-weight bearing leg. All in all a good day at the docs office. I got some new drugs, a new brace, and some good news. Oh yeah, sorry for the graphic images but that is what was going on with my life. All the pics should be up on the photobucket within the next day or so.