This year I chose to upgrade to a high-powered pump BB gun with a scope on it. Yes, my father just turned 12 and I trust him enough to maintain his own weapon. This is WV so handguns can't be issued until you are 13.

An area to update the adventures. Be sure to check out my website for links to everything else.
Waiting can also be educational...
The spur coming up from the lower bone is what re-attached to my leg and is now hopefully connected to the bone and a healthy ACL.
This is my cheesy inspirational video.
We even brought Hector along to enjoy.
Before going fishing I secured some line to my new-fangled-fishing-pole (AKA my guitar)
I think I was play Tangerine by Led Zepplin when this monster attacked.
Bob caught a fish as well... he has been lonely lately.
It is fun watching a one armed man trying to eat really tough steak
Hector was constantly the center of attention. Bob even used him to meet some ladies.
The next morning we had breakfast. The Dixons had a special canopied one.
These Dixons just relaxed
I then followed suite.
Well it looks like it might be another day or two until I go camping again. All-in-all a good weekend and with any luck by next weekend I will be walking on both legs.
I spent Memorial Day weekend out on the Dixon's farm. I even caught some fish with my guitar.
Team Gimp 4 games ... Russel Athletic 0
Then they built a crazy bonfire that nearly set some trees on fire
I couldn't hold my camera straight and it appears that they set some people on fire.
Bob was amazed.
And I got a haircut.
The pics were taken within 2 hours of each other. Beard you will be missed.
So Bob crashed in the recliner last night and I started watching a movie... I was just fading off when he started in on this speech of sorts. Apparently the Jennifer Lopez South Park Episode about "Taco Flavored Kisses" was on his mind amongst other things.
Bob quickly remedied that by kicking his ball over the hill.
(Notice the artsy black-and-white)
I think the B+W makes me look even more pathetic...
So I got in a decent workuot yesterday and today I spent time at the gym rehabbing the leg so that makes two days in a row of activity. I need a life.
I am refusing to chop the beard until I can walk... or until it bugs me beyond belief (which it is doing)
This is the video of the doc giving me the news and the rest of my day
I did get a cheap membership to another gym in town to use the in-pool treadmill. Hopefully I will have it to myself like I did today (I ripped this pic off their website)
It wasn't as special as the one this guy had, but ours tasted pretty bad
Here is a few shots of the pool table.
Tyler Dean muggin for the camera
There was even "a" girl there. If you look closely you can see a can of Schlitz in the picture as well... high rollin.
To start the night properly Josh decided that it was his time to show his appreciation for Michigan. (If you don't know WVU sports you just don't understand). If you want to search Google for "Coach" "WVU" "Michigan". It is a start
After the demonstration Josh was OK, but I think Mr. Myers was suspect of him.
Bob and Aaron were happy as well.
To end the night we wrapped Mr. Myers in a large piece of aluminum foil and put him in the fire so he could keep warm during the night.
This guy opted for the nicer/dryer car sleeping. I just put up the tent to show that I could do it.