Yesterday we decided to head to the park to relax before my friend Etay got into town so we hit up the Subte and checked out the Botanical Garden here.

It was nice to see trees after being in cities for a while.

Then Etay got here and we took in a dinner of mostly steak and caught a tango show

Later than night we went out and Amy (with the dark hair) had her credit card and money stolen out of her purse. So Cami got robbed here and now Amy. I hadn´t known of anybody in my travels thus far that have been robbed out in public, but it has happened twice here. Despite the power of the dollar here the nightlife is simply too expensive in comparison to everything else. I find myself once again seeking out the fun and simplicity of Peru.

We hoofed it down Florida today to walk off the effects of the night before and to get some air.
Etay on the other hand got some ice cream

It is views like this that make the city bearable though. Of course since we are in South America the park spaces are filled with people making out so intently that it could be considered pornographic in most places. They are definiely not shy here.