Monday, November 3, 2008


Resistencia, Argentina to Arica, Chile is a blast by bus. I headed out Saturday at 6:00 PM and made it to Arica at 6:00am Monday morning. It started with a 11.5 hour bus from Resistencia to Salta, Argentina. I then purchased a ticket with a connection from Salta to Calamas, Chile with a 2 hour layover and then another bus from Calamas to Arica.

I apologize if none of that made sense but I have spent about 36 hours straight on 3 different buses. Needless to say, I am taking a night off before starting up again.

I have purchased a ticket back to the US from Lima Peru on the 12th of November and I am working my way there via bus.

Now I am in Arica Chile and hoping to take in a beach day

here are some pics from the road.

Salty Desert

Boarder Crossing