My funds have dwindled to what is surely to become a new low so having failed to find dependable work here in Chile I must accept a temporary setback and return to the USA. That being said, it will not be without a little bit of mystery and adventure.
The first step of my trip will be a flight to Lima, Peru on Halloween. All flights from Chile were extremely expensive so in an attempt to add more fun (and maybe save a few dollars) I am making up the trip home as I go.
Right now the options are:
Fly to Washington DC from Lima
Fly to Fort Lauderdale FL from Lima
Fly to Bogota Colombia from Lima and then to the US from Colombia
Fly to San Juan Puerto Rico from Lima and then toe the US
Bus to Ecuador and Colombia (80 hours) from Lima and then fly home
or magic carpet.
I am sure there are other options that I will have to just make up as I go. wish me luck.