It turns out that I was going to be attending Jump School for soldiers in the Peruvian army. The gear was a little old but sturdy and I got the pleasure of staring at 6 stories of drop directly over a concrete slab. Needless to say I loved the idea. The only thing was the harness was unforgiving and having not worn jeans was quite painful.
This was the scene of the crime
The initial drop was about 15 feet of freefall before the rope started to pull you back up. It was a little rough, but they insisted that I do my jump superman style. To do so they ran the cables into the side of my harness as a makeshift support and encouraged me to run and jump. The first approach was intimidating but I quickly captured some of my American idiocy in a bottle and jump.
Fabi in the air. It was a great time and I thank the girls for every second of it (except for the second that nearly castrated me)