I am having a blast in Lima right now. It is more like a vacation than an adventure though. I am sure that is all going to change as time goes on though and I start exploring more.
The other day some friends and I hit a cigar bar and enjoyed a cuban... yes a real cuban in south america right off the beach

Sean, Dwight and Fernando went with me.

Then to add to the nightlife i picked up a guitar at a store. It cost less that $30 and is a total piece of crap, but it plays so I am in love with it.

Late last night we went to the bar to celebrate Sean's birthday. I knew it was his birthday because he told me over a hundred times.

As for now I am starting to meet up with my friends from here and have set up a home base at Loki Hostel. I am still planning on where I am going next and I am thinking cusco, la paz, and then down to Santiago via bus tour. Well it is a rough idea.