Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chilean have the freedom to Barbecue

In honor of the 200th anniversary of Chilean Independence the regular festivities held on the 18th of September ran from Thursday to Monday.  This all added up to a long long weekend of fun and probably about 10 extra pounds.


To start the weekend off right I headed to an apartment gathering Thursday night and imbibed in a few beverages and ate a ton of food.


Then to jumpstart the next day I headed to the Botanical Garden here in Vina del Mar for a massive cookout.




This is the appetizers of 3 full rounds of meat that were cooked on the grill not including the salads etc. (AKA the stuff I didn’t eat.  Just meat for me).


Saturday brought a trip to the Ramada (Not the hotel but the area with amusements, food, and shopping)


This also led to Terremotos (A drink consisting of sweet wine, rum, and pineapple ice cream)


Then after a few of these we packed up and caught the fireworks that were directly in front of my apartment.


To wrap up the weekend I was taken to my ladyfriend’s parents house for yet another barbecue.  I have yet to take a picture of my waistline but let it be known that I actually ate a salad yesterday by choice just to try and counteract some of the effects.
