I have been trying to make a little bit of cash to help supplement the small amount I traveled down to Chile with and I have decided to use the English Instruction certifications that I picked up in England. I sent out emails to about 15 different places in the 3 months before I traveled to South America with very limited success but when I was in Peru I received an email from the Instituto Chileno Britanico
It has been an odd hiring process thus far that included a 2 part test on English skills and on Teaching skills in the primary interview and a call back that said they would set up an interview in the next couple of days that took 2 weeks and 2 trips down there by me to get set up and then over the past weekend I received a call stating that I would be needed to pick up a private lesson on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I was once again told that I would hear back from them on Saturday to confirm all the details (which turned out to be 11pm on Sunday).
Alas, I taught my first lesson on Monday at 10am. It was only supposed to be one hour 3 times a week but my student has upped his course-load to 2 hours a day so I am not on the calendar for 6 hours a week and there is a possibility of them starting a Saturday class for me from 9am until 1 pm.
Now if I only knew how much they were going to pay me and how….. (guess I need to focus on that now that I am working).