I have been a member of the CouchSurfing website for a few year now and I am utilizing this trip to really test it out. For those unfamiliar with the concept let me explain... The site functions similarly to popular social networking sites (myspace, facebook, etc.) but instead focuses on generous travelers.
An individual creates a profile and can search for a couch in the city that he/she plans to travel to. Currently I am staying in Wroclaw, Poland completely for free with some local students. The concept is generally be hosted and then return the favor. The site also focuses on safety with user submitted reviews and vouching so that individuals can read about past experiences had through the site.
Currently I have places to stay lined up in Berlin and Riga, Latvia in the near future and will only have to buy a round or two of drinks while trying to be a gracious guest. If you are not currently a member I recommend checking out CouchSufing.com and signing up.