I am just now leaving Tallinn, Estonia after 4 epic nights. While in town I stayed at the GIDIC hostel in a "tube". The dorm I slept in had 16 beds all recessed back from the main hall and equipped with their own lighting, power, and curtain. This was needed because everybody was sleeping in due to the late nights.

I managed to actually get motivated enough to head to one of the local beaches (on a cold day) to look back at the city (pop. 400,000).

The city itself is great and conveniently small. I can't claim I did too much sightseeing but what I did see was quality.

This is me looking shocked that the rain actually held off long enough for me to take this picture. It started raining again 4 seconds afterward.

I would go back if I was given the chance but now I must look forward to Helsinki, Finland tonight.