Sunday, July 27, 2008


I am all set to fly out now! I have purchased a plane ticket to Lima, Peru on August 17th. While in South America I plan to work my way around the continent for as long as I can. To save a little money on the flight I am hitching a ride with some relatives that are coming to visit back to Florida to catch my flight there.

I am flying Spirit Airlines
Out of the Fort Lauderdale airport
I will be spending the first part of my trip in Lima Peru

Then I will work my way to Cusco Peru
And from Cusco I will have access to Machu Picchu.

History Lesson: Machu Picchu was constructed around 1460, at the height of the Inca Empire. It was abandoned less than 100 years later. It is likely that most of its inhabitants were wiped out by smallpox before the Spanish conquistadors arrived.

From here the immediate plans are:

Santiago, Chile

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Montevideo, Uruguay