Friday, July 4, 2008

Brief Time in the Burg

Here is just a short summary of what I have done in the burg since returning from the beaches. Of course today I am heading back to the beach for a bonus week. Chincoteague Island, North of Virginia Beach is my next stop for a week or so.

I did some grilling in the backyard. Bob showed up wearing this T-shirt.

Josh laughed at him

I thought it was well played

The next day I grilled up some serious ribs... I would have an after picture, but I ate them too fast.

Then I went to the Doc and he told me that I could start running and doing anything else on my gimp leg that I wanted to. Great Success...
To celebrate our last night in the burg Bob wanted to dance, so he started in the car.

While I was out I bumped into Raz. He said that taking this picture violated his contract... he also said a lot of other stuff that didn't make a lot of sense.

Now to the beach