Friday, February 27, 2009

My Nw Nephew Mad P

OK so normally I am anti-baby photos but for this I will make an exception. Yesterday (as noted on the site) I became an uncle for the first time. My little brother's wife had their first yesterday and from what I hear he came out with olive skin, dark hair and dark eyes.

This is great because both the mother and father have fair skin and were at least born with blond hair. Whereas, my father and I share those features so you have to love recessive genes. is proud to present Maddox Parker.
Already sleeping through his first photo shoot.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snobs in Birmingham Video

Jonny is an uncle

As of Feb 25 Jonny is officially an uncle. My brother and sister-in-law had a 7lb 9 oz boy Maddox Parker. Congrats

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pub Sunday Dinner with Amy and her Family

Last Sunday Amy and family took me to Sunday dinner at the Peacock here in Birmingham for dinner. Here is a quick clip of the company.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Plans for the future

With plans for Cork I have neglected to mention the upcoming trip to Chamonix, France to do some snowboarding at Mont Blanc. I will be traveling with Amy's family from the 20th through 26th of March.

In case you haven't been paying attention that means from the 17th through 19th in Ireland and the 20th through 26th in France and Switzerland.

Here are some shots of Chamonix and Mont Blanc

Just a few more weeks and I get to use the boards I brought over.

I am now looking into extending the trip and doing some travels from here through the surrounding region. No plans as of yet, but the possibilities are endless.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bus Pass

Now without a car living in Birmingham England I have to get around on my own so I got a bus pass.

Step One: Sweet Photo Booth

Step 2... Pics in hand

Step 3... Bus Pass
Step 4... conquer Birmingham one bus route at a time. Will update as I travel

St Patty's in CORK IRELAND

In an attempt to do some traveling I have booked a flight and accomodations to Cork, Ireland for St. Patrick's day. I am booked for a two night trip that will be arriving in Cork on the 17th and will become immediately blurred after that. With any luck I will make it up to kiss the Blarney Stone and receive the "gift of gab"

While there I will be staying at the Bru Bar and Hostel
It should be fun.

I would stay longer, but I am already booked to fly to France on the 20th for some snowboarding at Mont Blanc. I am roughing it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Flashdance

For Valentine's day here in Birmingham I was taken to the local theater for a show. I got to see the play Flashdance at the Hippodrome. The show was great but i will admit it is odd hearing a large group of people pretend to have a Pittsburgh accent.

If all else fails the show still produces this image.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Trip Toward England

In anticipation of my move to England I packed my bags up. 2 snowboards, massive amounts of cold-weather clothing and my cache of electronics later I was all packed. The final weight of everything was over 120 pounds. Basically I smuggled another person with me.

After getting packed up I said hello to the parents who have served as my favorite hosts over the course of my travels. Luckily this time I will be moving from my bed into another real bed and not a hostel bed or hammock.

Goodbye bed/tv/computer. Notice how tidy I keep everything.

I then set off. A 4+ hour ride with my uncle to Dulles, 3 hours there waiting, 7 hours on the Aer Lingus flight to Dublin and then I was here.

Dublin, 8am local time 3am Easter Time. Don't I look thrilled...

Then I saw the light....

A couple of pints later and I was en route to England. I will update soon with pics from the flat and the Birmingham area as soon as I make the flat a little more my own.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jonny is Walkin

Tomorrow is the first day of my move to England. I have an apartment in Birmingham awaiting me for the next 6 months and some travel plans already in the works. Before leaving once again I had to have a night in my hometown.

This is a shot of Mr. Walker "walking"

I then went back to Snowshoe to have a last night with some friends. I didn't expect to run into one of my best friends from growing up and I really didn't expect this picture to happen.

Then it was time to say goodbye before heading back home to pack.

I am going to miss my sweet living arrangements ant Snowshoe.

Lew me know if you plan on "walking" toward England yourself...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Flying to England

Today is quite the busy day for me, but I figured I should put this up.




All Times Local

This is the plan for me at the moment. I make the move to Birmingham on Tuesday. Wed morn I will be living in another country for a while.

As for today I have to go to my grandmother's 90th and then might head back up to snowshoe instead of packing and doing homework.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I don't want to pack - I want to ride

Now that my short trip to Snowshoe is over and I am packing and working on my thesis (yes I secretly go to school) all I really want to do is get one last day in on Sunday (and maybe a wild night on Saturday).

Bob on Lower Shea's

Me and Tanner in Bob's goggles.

Bob and I liftin it.

That being said I might shirk all responsibilities and go back tomorrow only to have to charge home late Sunday and do some heavy packing before flying out of DC on Tuesday en route to England.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

At the Shoe

I had to get some boarding in before I head to the flat land of England. I met up with Bob for some time on the mountain at Snowshoe.

We started the morning out right.

Bob spent some time in the halfpipe. (yes they actually have a pipe at the shoe this year)

And I met up with some friends from South America at night.

All in all, a good trip.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Return to the USA

With my pack finally ready to go I headed back to the USA a couple of days later than expected and more than a couple weeks later than my plan in January.

The trip was great and now I am gearing up for England. I will be moving there on February the 11th for the next six months.

Right now the focus is on packing, some schoolwork, and trying to catch up with a few friends before heading out.